The cuttlefish, an extraordinary marine creature, has fascinated scientists and ocean lovers with its remarkable abilities and unique characteristics. Let’s dive into some of the most fascinating facts about “the underwater Houdini’s” of the deep!
#1. Master of Disguise
Cuttlefish are amazing at changing their colours and textures to blend in with their surroundings. But during courtship, their colour-changing skills get even more exciting!
Large males adopt a flashy zebra-stripe pattern to scare away rivals. At the same time, while displaying this pretty pattern, they attract the females. This impressive display is not just about beauty, but it’s also a very strategic move.
Smaller males are even smarter! Since they can’t scare off competitors, they pretend to be females. They use a pattern or appearance marked with spots of different shades or colours, round out their body shape, and they mimic female behaviour and look. This strategy often pays off, demonstrating the cuttlefish’s cleverness. This sneaky strategy often works, showing just how smart these sea life creatures can be!
#2. Blue Blood
Unlike mammals,which hav red blood because of iron-righ haemoglobin,cuttefish’s blood is blue, Yes, you read that correctly! This distinctive blue hue is due to the presence of hemocyanin, a copper-based protein that transports oxygen throughout the body.
Hemocyanin is particularly effective in cold and low-oxygen environments, making it perfect for the ocean’s changing conditions. This allows cuttlefish to live in many different marine habitats, from shallow coastal waters to deep, cool parts of the sea.
The blue blood of the cuttlefish is more than just a fan fact; it shows how amazingly these cephalopods have adapted to survive and thrive in their underwater world.
#3. Huge Brains
Cuttlefish aren’t just pretty to look at; they’re super smart too! Cuttlefish have the largest invertebrate brain-to-body size ratio of any creature (invertebrates are animals without backs or spines). Cuttlefish brains are doughnut-shaped and packed with incredible capabilities. Their brain can detect sight and smell and can also ‘hear’ pressure waves to locate sounds.
In one cool experiment, scientists put a shrimp inside a glass jar and watched to see what the cuttlefish would do. Many cuttlefish figured out how to open the jar by grabbing the lid with their tentacles and twisting it open. This showed just how clever they are at solving problems!
#4. Colourblind – or maybe not?
Cuttlefish have some of the most fascinating eyes in the animal kingdom. Their W-shaped pupils and unique lens mechanism allow them to see in ways vastly different from mammals.
Instead of changing the shape of the lens to focus, they shift their lenses forward or backward. They can even detect differences in light polarization and see backward, giving them a comprehensive view of their surroundings despite being colourblind.
#5. Ink Masters
Like their octopus cousins, these amazing animals have an ink sac from which they can squirt ink as a defense mechanism when they are threatened. The ink acts as a powerful deterrent and the black smoke they create confuses their attackers giving the cuttlefish time to escape.
In the past, the cuttlefish’s ink was used to create the colour sepia, for writing and drawing. Although now artificial dyes give us the sepia-hue, cuttlefish ink certainly had a lasting legacy.
#6. The Mysterious Cuttlebone
Another amazing fact about those underwater and supercute creatures is that they have a special secret inside their bodies called a cuttlebone. This cuttlebone helps them float and move up and down in the water just like a submarine!
With their cuttlebone, cuttlefish can control how they float, letting them hover and glide gracefully through the ocean. You can think of it as a shell inside their body. This ability is super important because it helps them hunt for food and escape from predators quickly and easily.
#7. I’m Faboulous

Did you know there are 120 different species of cuttlefish? One of the most interesting ones is the flamboyant cuttlefish. Unlike other cuttlefish, it can’t swim or float because its cuttlebone is too small. You might rush to say “Oh, the poor thing”, but think again!
It walks around on the seafloor using its little arms and tentacles and it couldn’t care less. What’s even more amazing is that the flamboyant cuttlefish doesn’t bother hiding itself by changing colors like other cuttlefish. Instead, it shows off its bright, flashy colours. It’s fabulous and knows it.
But watch out! This little walker is also very venomous, so it shouldn’t be considered a “cuddlefish”!
In the Corfu Aquarium you will have an opportunity to see real Cuttlefish. With the educational visits, you will get to know how amazing these creatures are, with their dazzling colours and cool adaptations.
These ocean animals are a mix of beauty, brains, and strength all in one! So, the next time you hear about cuttlefish, remember they are much more than just sea creatures. They are truly remarkable and full of surprises!
Book your ticket now to discover a huge variety of fish, amphibians and reptiles.